Orlando has grown to be a big place. Big for recreation visits, big for conventions, big for a little entertainment and a taste of the Florida sun. It's been in the boomtown mode ever since Disney bought a few thousand acres there and began to build Disneyworld. Today it's a large town dedicated to the service industries for the people that come to visit. That can make finding the right service, the quality ensured service that you're looking for a little more difficult.

If you're looking for plastic surgery, you've got to get it right the first time. Here are a few clues to look for when you're seeking reasons to cross a facility or a practitioner off your list.VISIT

1. Make sure that the clinic run by a board-certified plastic surgeon also has board certified surgeons in the operating room. Some of the high-volume boiler room type operations will advertise their board-certified clinic founder while people with lesser credentials are injecting the Botox or managing the liposuction.

2. If you're interested in breast augmentation, listen carefully to what your interviewing physician has to say about the implants and their longevity. Saline implants are still on the market, but are somewhat more susceptible to breaking open than silicon implants. And no matter what type of implant it is, you'll probably have to have it repositioned or replaced after ten years or less. If the doctor ignores these issues, move on to another interview at another clinic.

3. Get clear answers about the facial injections that replace atrophied fat cells in the face. Everyone swears by Botox and the similar injectables that smooth out wrinkles and lines without surgery. What you need a clear answer on is how long the treatments last. If your doctor gives you an answer that is years instead of months, you're being misled.

4. Cosmetic plastic surgeons are more and more frequently opting to conduct business out of their own facilities on an outpatient basis. That takes them out of the credentialing and inspection requirements that acute care hospitals are subject to. While most plastic surgery procedures such as liposuction, Botox treatments and facial tucks can be done on an outpatient basis, some treatments require substantial anesthesia.

Those are the marginal treatments that perhaps are safer in a hospital setting. If your breast augmentation or multiple procedures of tucks and lifts require a lot of time on the operating table, you might want to seek out a plastic surgeon who is a staff member at one of Orlando's hospitals
